How Can We Help You Smile?

How Can We Help You Smile?

We recently came across a quote by Mallory Hopkins.

"Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth."

Now, the logical thing for us to do at this point would be to use AI to generate a quick blog post about why smiling is good for you, how it boosts your mood and reduces stress levels. We could let AI tell you that smiling helps you stay young or that it makes other people smile to see your own happy face. 

But don't we all pretty much know that smiling is good for you?

We don't need a random blog post to convince us that smiling is a great thing. We imagine that most of you have already heard many reasons for smiling throughout your lives, and we're pretty sure that people generally know by the way it feels when you smile or see others smiling that it's a net positive action.

So, how can we help you smile?

If you've browsed our website, then you know that our goal is to add a laugh or a cheerful moment to someone's day. One of the ways we try to do that is through the goofy face pottery that we create at our studio. Hopefully, (even without a list of AI generated reasons) they'll put a smile on your face!



One of our most popular mugs, the blue toothy Ug Chug (this guy's known as Bill) is definitely a fun way to drink your morning coffee or tea!  






Lashy Mugs, like this green one who goes by the name of Heather, are great for anyone who feels a bit frazzled before that first cup.







Of course, our collection wouldn't be complete without a handlebar mustache for all of those mustachio aficionados out there! Check out George's personality description for a good laugh!






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